It's the first day of February... A day when it's usually below 0°F in Albany, NY. There is usually snow on the ground. The cabin fever is *usually* fierce.
The seed packets and catalogs taunt me this year as it rains and the wind blows through 55°F air OUTSIDE. My brain and body are both confused, both feeling like they might have skipped right over February and jumped right into mid-March. Did we miss something?
This year, the winter-that-wasn't, I feel like I'm behind somehow. But February 1, I'm starting some seeds. I've decided it's time to start some herbs so I've sown the Lavender (Elegance Purple) seeds that I never got around to planting last year and three types of parsley: "Giant of Italy," "Titan" and "Forest Green."
Good luck kids! We're ALL gonna need it...